Day two.
Here are Lee Ann, Steve, Chris and Ryan (?) helping kids make stuff. Well not really. They all showed up 45 minutes late and hung over. Eventually they all got bored and wandered off.
I found Steve and, somehow, convinced him to help me. I wonder if the fact that we got to drive around in the cart ("The Rig") had anything to do with it.
I had a bunch of pictures of kids making art and then I wondered why I would show you them.
This is a blog about me, not about the children I serve.
Here is Sarah the Summer Associate. I made an "ass for days" joke and Steve glared at me.
Megan had gone yard saleing (sailing?) on Friday and among the things she bought (while normal people were working) was this owl wind chime. Did I mention that I am not at all jealous of the wind chime, the glasses with nude women or the orange cardigan sweater (which she actually got a different time)?
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