Tuesday, July 03, 2007

So much stuff

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A drafting table was delivered to my door this morning.
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The table was too big to fit through my door (which doesn't open all the way anyway) so I took it apart in the front yard.
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I reassembled the table in the living room.
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The table weighs too much for me to lift, so I left the table upside down in my living room
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Maggie & David helped me flip my giant drafting table. I already officially had too much stuff, now my apartment is officially claustrophobic.
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This is a shoulder bag I made out of a mailing tube and packing tape.
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Only one of the baristas at the coffee shop down the street DOESN'T give me funny looks when I order a double espresso on ice ( places always seem to make iced coffee out of gross day old coffee). The problem is; she doesn't add enough ice or cream, but, she refers to it as "my drink", so I think it's too late to tell her it's wrong.


Anonymous said...

I am very much enjoying your photographic journal.

Thank you.

Ben's Brother
Portsmouth, NH

Gabriel said...

Thanks Ben's brother.


Gabriel Burian-Mohr