Sunday, March 16, 2008

The sky is falling

The chicken containers at the farm supply store are out, but empty.

I am, again, trying to figure out how I can raise chickens in my apartment.

I think I could set up a cage inside my apartment and then just take the chicken with me during the day.

It would be like a purse chicken.

A man purse chicken.

Lillie told me that my apartment will smell like a barn if I do this.

Maybe the fact that I have two cats makes the plan a little problematic.

Look! Great White is coming to Roseburg.

Who knew they were a band that was worthy of a comeback tour?

I found this zine in the magazine rack at the supermarket.

The zine is filled with love poems. I thought about taking it, but then decided that I should leave it for someone else to find. (the kid who makes them also leaves them around my work)

I have never heard of the Jonas Brothers, but I'm pretty sure I hate them.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr