Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Supernatural occurrences

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Look I caught two unidentified flying objects on film. Don't they give out rewards for this sort of thing?
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The leprechaun I was photographing scurried into the shadows just as this picture was taken. Again;
don't they give out rewards for this sort of thing?
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Here we have a crop circle right outside my work. I watched a documentary about UFOs, and they showed these two guys who had made a lot of the crop circles and the two men were said to have been annoyed that people hadn't realized they were fake sooner. I also learned that the image of Aliens has changed since Kenneth Arnold's reported UFO sighting in 1947. For a long time aliens were thought to be virtually identical to humans, I believe they may have been slightly shorter, it has only been in the last 30 or so years that aliens turned into these gray pinheads with scary black eyes. And the aliens used to be nice, not like todays anal probing aliens. They also showed a study of hypnosis and repressed memory (hypnosis is the primary method for getting reports on alien abductions). The study found that through hypnotic-repressed-memory-recovery very similar results were obtained from respondents who had claimed to have been abducted by aliens and participants who hadn't. Does that mean that everyone, or no-one has been abducted?

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr