Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The tale of the sea is long and deep

This is Steve's apartment. Steve claims he had nothing to do with the Turkish bath/surf shop decor.

This was supposed to be a picture of the diet book based on the diet of Jesus.

Steve and I headed for the coast in search of crabs.

Emily greeted us with coastal tidings.

Behind Steve are pieces of construction paper decorated with photos, post-its and out of date calender pages. Emily claims she had nothing to do with the decor.

Aren't they adorable. This was before they started yelling at each other.

This is the window of Sobers; a social club for recovering addicts. Nothing against recovering from addiction; but this place looked like the antithesis of fun.

This is a small plastic wizard. We thought about getting it for Megan, who had one day earlier; been describing her utopian wonderland, in said utopia I was a wizard and also not allowed in.

The contents of this book were even more terrifying than it's cover.

La mer

We went to the woods.

This is a cliff. When Emily and I got here; Steve had already climbed halfway down.

Emily chose to not spit in the eye of common sense.

This was the way down. Or possibly; the way up.

I think you can almost see One-Eyed Willie's ship in the distance.

After the end of the earth we traveled to the sand dunes. While this IS the area that is 4-wheeler free, you could still hear them "tear'n s*** up".

Here are shotgun shells we found at the dunes. We also found a dead body, but it was decided that we should not get involved.

So much sand.

We thought it was a good idea to run up the sand dunes.

Running up dunes is a lot harder than we had thought.

I really was having fun...honest.

This is a fried fish of some sort from the Captains Cove.

Earlier in the day I had been asked; "So, are you into wood?". Which made this truck with "Got Wood?" painted on the side just that much funnier. Not that it wasn't funny to begin with.

We went to the Bar Wench. The inside was not what we had expected. It was vaguely futuristic, well lit and was projecting "trippy" visualizations of Niel Diamond and Doors covers onto it's, uncomfortably, bare walls.

This is some other bar who's name I can't remember. It was pretty charming except for it's apparent lack of music.

Emily blamed the lack of music on the fact that we were out too early.

We called to Emily's roommate, who is a hater for the record, to ask her and her man-friend to come and join us. When we were told that she wouldn't come out, I asked if she wanted to send the man-friend instead, she informed me that they were both drunk on hater-aide.

Emily thought that she would pay dearly for my phone call. Instead her roommate approached her regarding Emily's feelings about JC...?

We went to Tiny's, finally we had some choice over the music.

We played a few songs on the jukebox, however; once our songs were over the music was quickly changed to Beyonce or maybe it was that girl who has the TV show and the famous parent and thus is famous in real life, you know the one that the kids are into these days.

Tiny's had a small laundromat inside.

I guess that's how they roll out on the coast.

Name of my next album: The Kozy Love Brown.

While not an actual crab; this poem talks about crabs.

And like that; we disappeared back to the Burg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuckin great post.

Gabriel Burian-Mohr