Monday, September 18, 2006

In search of lost time

Sunday morning (and I use morning loosely) I was getting ready to go. I was getting my camera ready and it fell on the floor. I picked it up put the battery back in and it just didn't work...did I mention that Phillips is an awful company. That means the camera only lasted slightly over one week and at least one day of that was spent trying to figure out how to get the stupid pictures off of it.

So, I had to adjust my plans so I headed to the best buy/toy r' us/cost co complex (somewhat willingly on a Sunday afternoon). There were so many made up parking spaces there, people parked in loading docks, in the space where the garbage is taken out etc, etc. I went to best buy and couldn't find any key-chain cameras let alone anyone to help me. I went to Toys R' Us next door all the key-chain cameras were locked - kind of - so you couldn't really read the backs of the packages. I did find this depressing product next to the cameras though...
it seems to me that your setting your kid up to be abducted if you buy them a product called "Amber Alert"...I don't know. I was bored and the products didn't meet my specifications.
Camera must cost about or bellow $20.
If the camera cost any more than $20 it must be Mac compatible.
The camera must be smaller than a normal camera and come with a key-chain or neck-strap
it all seemed simple enough. So I drove in search of drug stores or K-mart (where I got the previous camera) in order to replace the camera.

Went to several drug stores. Ended up in Eagle Rock (note* they closed down The Eagle movie theatre home of 99 cent double features) woman at a drug store sent me to the Eagle Rock Plaza which appears to be doing better business these days but, has closed down the movie theatre and the Orange cameras.

I decided to drive by my elementary school after which I spotted a Wallgreens. I stopped for coffee at a place called;
I don't know work or swork or something. It looked like Ikea. There specialty is a beverage called the gelatocino or something like that. The barista saw that I was truly embarrassed when she announced that my "vanilla-chai ice blended gelatocino" was ready.
This picture was taken using my new INNOVAGE key-chain camera $10 at Wallgreens. This camera has the same problems as the Phillips camera but, it's $10 less.
This might be the building that I had my 4th grade class in.
Possibly the front of Eagle Rock Elementary.
This camera has powerful "mega-pixels".
I went on a driving tour of Eagle Rock and it's surrounding neighborhoods.
I tried to get a picture of THE eagle rock.
Instead I ended up driving around the fancy-pants part of town.
This on house had a golf course in it's back yard.




I'm sure there was a reason I took a picture of this Taco stand (note* I did not stop or eat here).

These pants had a label that said "nubilewear".
This might be the Metrolink train going by in Highland Park.
Or maybe a lowrider.
I stopped at an open-house for this very charming craftsman duplex in Highland Park. It and the people trying to sell it were all quite charming the price was something insane like 600/700 thousand dollars...f that noise.
this is obviously an interior view of before mentioned house.
I drove to East LA or Lincoln Heights or something and there was a hill on fire.
This is a statue dedicated to probably not Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Heights park.

this was a sweet pole I saw and thought I should document for future generations.
The funny part is that for allot of these pictures, I circled the block a few times trying to get the right angle.
Hear are some pictures of "cholo's" or Mexican gangsters. I was trying to be covert...
I looked at classified adds to see where one could buy a house at a decent-ish you have it.
I remembered the area vaguely from high-school
Or here.
I drove by the 24 hour taco place several times trying to get a picture of the dinosaur on the roof.


Some of these were taken downtown. I really should have been put in charge of the downtown gentrification project. I just would have fixed up Broadway because it is my current choice for best street in Los Angeles. There really isn't any point to construct any new buildings downtown, because, the buildings on Broadway are already great and just need a little fixing up. Plus there is a vibrant and eclectic mix of people on Broadway. Sure there might be a few more drug addicts and homeless people than one really wants hanging around there front door but, it's not like those same nary-do-wells aren't hanging out near that truly ugly building at 1st and Alameda.
Anyway, I digress.
This the something cafeteria downtown. I think it is filled with fake rocks.
The same except in fast forward.
I really am a master of photography.
This is a dance club that offered "hostess dancing".
This was my hostess dance.
I think this would make a good t-shirt or poster promoting Los Angeles.
This would be a less good promotion, but, much more mysterious.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr