Thursday, September 14, 2006

Take a mental picture

On Monday we went to Choice Market and had egg sandwiches. I finished packing and then got a car to the airport. The car was a souped up mini-van with electro-powered doors and GPS and what-not. He kind of drove like maniac but then we discussed or dislike for the president and how we might vote for Hillary Clinton because we liked Bill Clinton.

The airport was mostly empty because...We are mourning? I got coffee and an olde fashioned doughnut at D&D and managed to finish them both before getting on my plane. I picked up a pack of cheese and salami at a fancy food stand, I asked if the had smaller packs of crackers, she said they did not.

on the plane (jet blue) all of the TV stations were depress-a-thons. I ended up eating the cheese and salami on animal crackers, it was ok. The flight was bumpy but, mostly uneventful. Landed in Long Beach where Josh picked me up. I saw a cat in the parking lot of the airport.

At my parents house we ate beet soup and watched north-by-northwest. My old bedroom appears to be a storage space for my brothers detritus.

On Tuesday I got a bike from a friend of my brothers who is in a bike gang. I filled up the tires and tried to figure out ways too-or-from my parents house that didn't involve hills...there is no such route. We met my mom at a greasy Mexican restaurant in the valley before her black belt meeting, which may involve meeting or fighting or new moves or death-blows or discussion of very small horses, it is unclear.

Wednesday I rode the bike to where the bike shop was supposed to be, it was now a nail salon. Tried to determine the least hilly/exhausting route. Stopped for lunch at The Coffee Table, had a very tasty turkey burger. Rode on sidewalk for avoiding death and such. Stopped at Rockaway Records to see how it had changed, it was smaller, or maybe I was just smaller the last time I was inside it still kind of sucks.

tried to determine a route not involving hills, came up with one, then I changed my mind because I would prefer hills to death on Glendale Blvd. Walked stupid bike up a stupid hill. Ran into Joey Santarromana from Bard, he and his wife live near my parents, he gave me his card and said we should get together. Took a shower because I was covered in bike sluge.

There would be pictures of all of this but the camera deleted the airplane pictures, then I accidentally deleted some other pictures and then I forgot to take the camera with me yesterday.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr