Sunday, September 10, 2006

Photos from Friday September 8 2006

This is a picture of Alison outside K-mart once I got the camera out. Looks like it has a fish eye thing going on...spooky

This appears to be sidewalk.

a building maybe an elbow.

Alison's leg.
A ghost.
Griff Dog
A corndog the size of my head. Next time I will get a regular hot dog in the corndog instead of the veggie dog because the texture didn't actually work right.
dissected corn dog and debree.
a very small batman.
the future.
this is a giant fish at a Chinese resturant near Union Square. It's hard to tell here but it totally looks like a dinosaur.

Brenda Hutchinson's Bell project
we ran into Josh Thorson he had gone to the Today Show very early in the morning to see Beyonce.
Kate was working the opening at Jack the Pelican Presents, we learned that this camera needs to be held slightly higher than one would think.
ghosts from the future
at another opening on Union where the pictures were very large Xerox transfers and there were dresses(?) to we had some beer. We had met up with Rit, his friend Laura and her boyfriend whose name I can't remember.we had saved the last two pictures for dinner at Chula Taco or possibly Taco Chulo or some other spelling or some other combination. This may or may not be a picture of tacos or us near eaten be the judge.
Tacos or galleries or a bar where we had some cheese or the cab home or something else altogether.

1 comment:

esbboston said...

I think that last picture is of a black bear in a dark cave with plenty of flourescent lighting eXcept the bear forgot to pay the electric bill, -so darkness-

Gabriel Burian-Mohr