Monday, February 05, 2007


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In an attempt to acclimate myself to the Pacific-Northwest, I decide to get a puffy vest. The following are my attempts to capture said vest on film.
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Somehow I managed to NOT picture the vest in any of these.
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I finally registered my car in Oregon. Though, I'm still paying for New York car insurance even though this car has never been to New York. It seems ridiculous to me that, even-though I now live in Oregon, I still need to curse the New York Department of Motor Vehicles on a daily basis.
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I went to the pawn shop down the street, Along with the usual pawn shop fare of guns and guitars, you can buy a tool box...filled with tools!
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The other day I took my car apart in an attempt to fix the tape player. I ended up with less extra screws than the last time I attempted to take it apart. The tape player does technically work though I think its playing at the wrong speed. So, I've been listening to the radio allot. Most of the radio stations here feature either classic rock or religious fare or some combination. I have found one station, on the AM that just plays old country music...this is my new favorite station. I will just have to get used to everything sounding like it's being played through a tin can.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr