Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A day of many things

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This is Barack Obama('s van). I had not seen speak earlier this morning, because there were no more tickets, I think this reflects well on Roseburg.
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All of the other people at the stoplight honked their horn's as he drove by. It was quite adorable.
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I tried to get a haircut at the beauty college, however I had lost my wallet earlier and had driven to Megan's on the off chance that I had left it there. As I was leaving my apartment; I realized that the get gas light had come on in my car. I briefly thought "I should get gas, but, I don't want to miss Megan, because she is leaving for the beach, oh wait, I don't have a wallet..." The wallet was not there. I went back to my apartment and found the wallet under the laundry I had done earlier that day. But, the point is...because I lost the wallet and ran around town searching for it, I ended up at the beauty college 15 minutes after closing.
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While I know that I (among other people) have said that I should not cut my own hair...
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How else am I supposed to get better at it, unless I practice.
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It is quite short now, but that's ok, it's also quite hot out.
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I tried to go out and buy a kiddie-pool. I unfortunately tried to do this at Wal-Mart. Instead of finding a sweet pool at a rock-bottom price, I got confused and irritated so I left, sans kiddie-pool.
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Me and Lexington played pool at Casa de Deathmetal.
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Scotty hit her in the head with his pool cue, so we left and had a barbecue.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr