Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selling out is the new keeping it real

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Ok, so I bought an ipod. Here are ten reasons why I am embarrassed about said purchase:

1. I have officially sold out.

2. It doesn't work with my computer, because my computer is too old.

3. Instead of taking it back (which I should have done because it's just an overpriced Walkman), I have figured out an excessively complicated system for getting songs onto it.

4. the system involves, external hard drives, multiple computers, extra software, duct-tape and tinfoil.

5. I had to buy an ipod accessory.

6. Why the hell do I need a $200 walkman? ...oh wait, I don't, I need new glasses.

7. I don't even like Apple.

8. I'm that guy with those f***ing white headphones.

9. Am I really that smug, that I need to carry my whole music collection around with me so I can show off that I own more music than I will ever listen to.

10. I am a douche bag.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr