Friday, May 16, 2008

If you don't have a picture, did it really happen?

My new awsomecam (better know as: awsomecam VII or awfulcam):

1. Keeps deleting my pictures.

2. Required me to install some other software, thus complicating my, already, excessively complicated set up for retrieving pictures.

3. Did I mention that it keeps deleting my pictures.

4. Cost me
$15 instead the usual $10.

p.s. this is a picture of the bar tender at the Scoreboard (specifically of her t-shirt), where we were trying to teach Steve to play pool (he's very good at launching the cue ball off the table), there were also supposed to be a picture of Steve smoking a cigar while wearing the Russian hat and pictures of barbecued food and Scrabble (which I sucked, slightly, less at this time around).

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr