Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Experiments in aesthetics

I have inherited my parents old digital camera. So, because some of the various awsomecams have been behaving badly (as is my computer, which at present is three or four words behind me), I am going to do an experiment: I am going to use this normal camera that can take pictures that are clear and identifiable as my awsomecam.

We shall see how this all goes. The new camera is considerably less covert than the awsomecams of yore, and it weighs many times as much. And if I dropped it on the ground/into a river/into the sand; I would actually feel bad about ruining a perfectly good camera and could not say "it just adds to it's character".

The other issue is; it takes the mystery element out of my photography (I think there will probably be less "accidental" boob shots). And if a picture comes out badly then everyone will look to me and say "Hey Gabe, why the hell did you post such a shitty picture of ___" and I wont be able to say "oh you know, that's what you get with a $10 camera", I'll have to say "oh you know, It's because I'm an awful photographer".

And if you can tell what the picture is; does that mean there will be less lying in my blog?

I don't think you
really understand how much pressure this is for me.

And do I have to pick a new un-ironic title for this blog?


Anonymous said...

How about "My Awesome Photography" or "My Awesome Life"? Both of those are ironic.

Gabriel said...

Wow! Those are good ironic titles.

Gabriel Burian-Mohr