Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Playing with the hand your dealt

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These are Megan's new hot pink playing cards. The color scheme is a little intense and makes them slightly difficult to use (granted, they are much easier to use than Lupita's deck with nude pictures of exotic men). I blame the fact that Megan got 230 points in one hand on the blinding cards.
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Lilly made this delicious polenta lasagna. I questioned calling it a lasagna as it had no pasta in it, but Lilly explained her aversion to calling things casseroles, so I let it slide.


Anonymous said...

When I think casserole, I think gross icky throw-the-whole-kitchen-into-one-pan meal. That is not a good thing.

Gabriel said...

Hence the acceptance of the polenta lasagna title...

Gabriel Burian-Mohr