Thursday, June 05, 2008

The (shelf) stable one

This post seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. It makes some important points, so I am inserting it here.
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Anyway, this is less than one glass of lemonade that has been in the work refrigerator for over a month now. I would get rid of it but, what if it belongs to someone?
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This egg has been there about the same amount of time.
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These are
just observations, I am not a fridge monitor, just a fridge noticer.
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I have been trying to get a picture of this truck for months.
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I like to think that it reads "Jesasaurus" and that it's a monster truck or at least a demolition derby truck that destroys other cars with the powers of Jesus and dinosaurs.
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This is the official notice that my "special food credit card" will be discontinued at the end of June.
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Since, I'm not sure what this is, I will go on about food stamps: I did think about making phony pay stubs and attempting to defraud the federal government for continued food assistance, but when I thought about it a little seemed like it could be a potentially poor idea.
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Maybe this is when Lexie and I became pool sharks...maybe it's when I realized that other peoples taxes weren't going to pay for my groceries anymore...
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Something has happened to all of the grapefruits. I know I have already complained about this. Whatever. The current grapefruit crops are wicked awful and I am mad as hell.
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I case you were confused; this is the "Mad as Hell" look.

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Gabriel Burian-Mohr